Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hypocrite women by Denise Levertov

    Hypocrite of women by Denise Levertov was humorous but it contained a deep message. The theme that I think the  poet was trying to send through her poem is women have hypocritical way's because we shun certain behavior in society and  but we fail to look at  or own up to our  faults or similar characteristics that cause society to look at majority of women  in a cetain way . I agree with her women are so willing to wear a two pieced bikinni on the beach but if someone were to catch them in their bra and panty they cover themselves or try and hide themselves.  She used a lot of interesting symbolism to convey her message.


  1. Generally true, though the task in analyzing will be to look closely and specifically and what sort of hypocrisy is being imaged--a lot of it has to do of course with society's expectations of women, but also women's attitude toward, and neglect of, themselves--which can be seen of course as a function of the socio-cultural positioning--and positing--of women ("woman," "womanhood," "womanliness," etc)

  2. I enjoyed this poem as well. I think it's a very feminist approach and there are a few other poems Levertov wrote with the same theme (e.g"Oh, Taste and See) focusing on issues of women self-defining and the complex nature of femininity. Socially it's always been a struggle for women to define themselves but also to fight against being regarded in a certain way. The poem was written in the 60th and at the time feminism had an upsurge. Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex had appeared in English translation which was a very influential book. I think those are important factors that determined some of Levertov's poems such as this one.
