Monday, May 23, 2011

Barbie Doll by Marge piecy

 This poem is about how young women in our society are pressured from birth to fit society general idea of what beauty is.The young woman in this poem was ridiculed by her classmates  for having a fat nose and thick legs . This lowered her self esteem so much that she even began to apologize for how she looked . She was given advice to loose weight instead of advice to accept herself as she was born .  She eventually got  forced into believing that her appearance was more important than her qualities. Sad to say this happens in our society a lot .Women are pressured  to fit into  this general idea of what beauty is by society . Nose misshaped? get a nose job, small breast? get a breast augmentation, and women submit to this idea's and are willing to risk their life and go under the knife to feel beautiful.  People in our society have to realize that  generalizing how a beautiful woman should look has an affect on our young women. Things like barbie dolls for example  foster young women to believe that it's only what is seen on the outside that make you beautiful and  to disregard who you truly are on the inside.

Dancing On The Grave Of A Son Of A Bitch By Diane Wakoski

This poem in my opinion was took from a scene in a soap opera but the message the poet was sending to reader was a realistic one. " Dancing On The Grave Of A Son Of A Bitch " by Diane Wakoski was about a couple going through a bitter divorce and the story was told through the eyes of a irate woman. Throughout the poem the woman is expressing her hatred for her husband and how glad she is that she finally she saw him for the type of man he is. At first their separation was depressing to her because his absence created a void in her life this was expressed in the line "your leaving actually made me as miserable as an earthworm with no earth".The woman was mistreated by this man so much that her hatred overcame her depression and she is happy that they getting divorced because she will finally be completely through and over him. In conclusion the man wasn't literally dead and she wasn't dancing on his grave but he was figuratively dead in her life and her dancing represent her willingness to move on and be happy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Into death bravely by Jimmy Santiago Baca

       I enjoyed reading the poem Into death bravely by Jimmy Santiago Baca. His interesting use of personification in this poem is what made it so interesting to read. He made the winter seem like a  male solider going off to war with the land for example he described the snow as "his grate white shield". When the winter transitions to spring in the poem this is described in the last few lines of the poem when the solider "walks away slowly into death".

Revolution by Anne Waldman

         In my opinion the  poem revolution by Anne Waldman was written in the words of a revolutionary. She gave images of. The character seemed to be  tied of the circumstances that they are living in and longing for something to change . Anne Waldman used tons of imagery in this poem , for example in the beginning of the poem the phrase " that's were it going to be where everyone is walking around, looking ...heart to open fire all over the streets . I imagine this phase could be telling a story of a community protesting against something.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother To Son by Langston Hughes

 The poem " Mother To Son: by Langston Hughes is a classic. When I first read "Mother to son" I could relate to it immediately and to this day I use it  to cope with my personal life experiences. In this poem a African American mother is giving motivational but realistic advice to her son by explaining how hard her life as been because of the obstacles that she had to face. Even though she went through so much she still fought for what she wanted and what she believed in. She made it clear to her son  that his life probably wont be easy also but she advised him to pursue his goals no matter what obstacles he has to face. What I also loved about the poem besides the message was the language used in  this poem.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

People Getting Divorced By Lawrence Ferlinghetti

        In  the poem "People Getting Divorced " by Lawrence Ferlinghetti the poet made the reader see  divorce through the eyes of the spouse. He used the poem to explain the way the spouse feels , the way they think , and  impact divorce have on the people involved. Lawrence Ferlinghetti made a comparison between divorce and loosing one of your pairs of shoes . In a way it makes perfect sense since people say marriage is like discovering your other half then divorce must feel like loosing your other half.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Howl by Allen Ginsberg

        The poem " Howl by Allen Ginsberg " poem had a  dark and gloomy feeling to it . As i was reading the poem i felt  like the poet was telling the me a story about  his life. In part 1 of the poem captured me  he talks about people in his life . Allen  Spoke highly of these people , he even called them  " The best minds of my generation" but to me these people were unstable. He made these people sound poor, suicidal, crazy. These people sounded like the outcast of society . He used a lot of repetition to express himself in this poem.